Friday, July 15, 2011

I am in Nepal..:)

Hey all!!

Yes I do realize it has been almost a month without me being able to communicate..oops...not really an easy thing to do honestly. Here is a very summarized version of what has happened in the last 30 days.

1st week: Staff week!!

This was the very first week were there was ten people total and we just got to know each other really was so much fun because we connected so well and so fast! I loved that week..although very hard, it was definitely worth every minute

2nd week: The students arrive!

This was when 22 students arrived at training camp. I have 5 girls that I am responsible for and it was really cool getting to know the students and connect as our small groups and as a whole. This week was much more intense but very rewarding. A typical day would consist of worship, quiet time, skills group (I am on the dance team haha!) and team building exercises. Very full days but I felt as though we became very prepared for Nepal.

July 5th: Travel day!

After a 14 hour flight to India, a 12 hour layover and then a quick flight to Kathmandu...we finally arrived in Nepal on July 7th.

1st week in Nepal:

The first two days was getting used to the town and culture so we really did not venture out of the hotel at all, however we did go to a buddist temple, a hindu temple, and christian church all within the first 3 days. It was a very dark time at the temples, very heartbreaking, but then we went to church and it was very refreshing to see some of the work that God has been doing. The last five days have been us visiting villages and doing performances to draw in a crowd to talk about Jesus. Many good conversations have been had and many seeds have been planted! God is so much bigger than anything we can say or do and we have been spreading the truth and leaving the results up to God. Today we visited an orphanage and I was in my happy place :) and I have been spending a lot of time with kids and loving on them!

God is in complete control and I love watching Him work in the hearts of my team as well as myself. I am learning a ton and I am excited to see every one again...but I am not going to lie..I LOVE IT HERE!!!

Thank you for all your prayers and know that you are in mine as well :)

God is good!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Ready For Departure

Leaving in about twelve hours!! Oh Wow!

Shots have been administered...sore left shoulder to prove it: Check!
All supplies have been purchased and stored in ziploc bags: Check!
Packing is done and been sealed shut by my brother: Check!

Oh Wow!! I think I am finally ready to go!

Here is a way to send my letters or packages:

Sarah Higley/Nepal
Reign Ministries
c/o Living Springs Camp
14253 E Epworth Spring Rd
Lewistown IL 61542-8427

This is the best way to email me while I am in training camp:
Please put Sarah Higley/Nepal in the subject line :)
Thank you all for your support and prayers!

Packing is all done..Yay!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Leaving on Jet Plane...on Friday!!

Hey all!

I think that this going to be the best way to stay connected while I am NEPAL!!

To many of you..this is news..sorry about my lack of communication!

I am leaving on Friday for seven weeks on a mission trip and I will be gone until August.
I am going with a mission organization known as Royal Servants. Due to age I am technically staff and get to mentor highschool girls this summer while we are over seas.

The first two weeks are training camp where we learn all about the countries (there are several other teams going to other countries), learn our routines for street evangelism (I am on dance team I think..haha!), and connect as a team before we leave. We will have some amazing time to connect with God and grow together..I am super excited for that!

Once we get to Nepal, we will be based in the city of Kathmandu and we will travel to several different villages and love on kids in schools and orphanages, as well as connect with their communities. We will be staying in the country of Nepal for a total of 5 weeks!

God really placed this on my heart for this summer. I have been wanting to do missions for years and just never thought is was a good time or I did not want to put in all the effort it required. Then I began feeling that these years of my life is the best time to start and this mission trip works with youth and children...two of my favorite win!! I also get to go with one of my closest friends Larisa Warren and I am so excited to share this experience with her!

I will do my best to update with pictures and talking about things that I have seen and felt during this trip!

I am so excited and am so happy to include you all with me!

In Him,

Sarah Higley

Larisa and I ;)

And these are the awesome raincoats we found for our amazing adventure in Nepal!!